Saturday, September 18, 2010

Break out the baby book! Penelope's first...

cold. boo.

Poor Penny is a coughing, sneezing, sniffling mess today. Lots of mama milk, cuddles and love are on the agenda. I wonder, if I have chicken noodle soup for lunch, will she reap any of the cold fighting benefits? Hmmm.....well, if nothing else, it will help with my sore throat and stuffy nose.

Lesson of the week? When you have a sick toddler in the house, pretty soon everyone will be sick. But can I just say that Olive is an awesome nose blower? Quite impressive.

Off to love on my baby Snort*.

And speaking of baby books, we should probably get one for Penelope! Not that we really filled Olive's out. . .it's the thought that counts right?! 

*Kudos to you if you picked up on the Are You My Mother? reference.   ("You are not my mother. You are a scary Snort!" Love it!)


  1. I think you should just use the Google calendar for her "baby book" - much easier!

  2. Rhayna calls all large machinery "snorts" :D We love that reference!

    I never filled out Rhayna's either (so don't feel bad!) but wish I would have. Kudos to you for attempting a go :)

    Enjoy your 1 on 1 time.

  3. We have colds at our house, too! Boo! (And Snort, snort, snork)!
