Sadly, not a whole lot to report.
Still doing daily stretching, ab work and push-ups, but that's about it. But I have to say, I am proud of myself for at least doing something! And the number on the scale hasn't gone up at all so that's always a good thing.
I've decided I need a personal trainer. A kick ass personal trainer. That makes house calls. And will say things like "Get off your butt you lazy bum! Drop and give me 20!" or whatever it is kick ass personal trainers say.
But until I win the lottery that's not going happen. I need to be my own kick ass personal trainer. So, "Get off your butt you lazy bum! Drop and give me 3!"
Actually that's a good idea, ass kicking. Great way to warm up those leg muscles.
And speaking of warming up, my cookies are done. :)
Until next week, keep on keeping on.
Love it!